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8 in 1 call

8 in 1 call


8 in 1 call

This unique call is designed and produced by famed caller Mickey Saso. The unique 8-in-1 combination includes calls for pintail, teal, widgeon, wood duck, mountain quail, bobwhite quail, gamble quail and valley quail. The 8-in-1 call features an easily adjustable slide to allow for quick tuning adjustments. Easy adjusting makes for always having the perfect pitch. Our best selling call that has proven itself year after year and has become the standard on the market for duck whistles.

Handmade and 100% produced in the USA

Includes - Call, Snap Clip and instructions

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EZ Flutter

EZ Flutter


EZ Flutter

Wingsetter EZ Flutter Game Call - The EZ Flutter game call is perfect for those hunters who look to call in game birds that use whistling noises; such as pintail and teal. The call is designed with a unique fluttering system and slide tuner that allows the changing of tones/sounds by simply adjusting the tuner in or out. With this call there is no need to flutter your tongue making it easier to match the perfect pitch of pintail and teal by letting the call do the work for you. 


Handmade and 100% produced in the USA

  • Only adjustable fluttering call on the market
  • No need to flutter tongue
  • Produces a pure imitation of whistling ducks with ease
  • Most user friendly call
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Raspy Hen Mallard Call

Raspy Hen Mallard Call


Raspy Hen Mallard Call

The Wingsetter Raspy Hen Duck Call can set the wings on all types of ducks- with a double reed system it has been used in many areas with overwhelming success. Manufactured by 25-time Pacific Flyway Calling Champ Mickey Saso, this double reed call can produce sound with little air making it an easy call to use. The call is raspy yet not too deep or loud that it is overwhelming, it produces a natural note that has produced great success all over the country. This call can do it all making it a staple for many hunters.

Handmade and 100% produced in the USA

  • Easy to blow, well suited call for beginners 
  • Double reed system produces raspy tone with little air through the chamber
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